In the Leadership Lab, we combine ‚classical' learning approaches like seminars and workshops with individual practical deep dives.
In a trustful environment, accompanied by us as experienced external coachs / facilitators, the Leadership Lab brings a small group (max. 6) of managers on the same hierarchical level together in order to share and exchange challenging cases and situations from their leadership practice. ?Goal is to jointly develop potential paths of solution and thus expand their own repertoire of action. We, in our role as a coach, facilitate the systematic process, give short and well-balanced methodological inputs, highlight useful theoretical background for various leadership situations, and make sure that the solutions developed are realistic and achievable.
By integrating the expertise of both, the participants and the coach, a broad variety of ideas and solutions is developed for the discussed cases.
Our learning approach for peer team coaching is designed in a way that allows our participants to gradually take over process reesponsibilty for the team coaching process and we as coachs and failitators gradually withdraw upon request. ?Thus, the Leadership Lab's structured process becomes a every day tool for group self-reflection.